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Username | User_type | Level | Points | Review_count | Rating_count | Review_shop | Shop_address | Review_rating | Review_time | Review_content | Owner_response | Response_time | Likes |
Thabata Santos | Local Guide | Level 5 | 1,363 | 38 | 31 | Restaurante Dudinha's Self-Service | Av. Dr. Luiz Guimarães, 167 - Centro, Nova Iguaçu - RJ, 26210-021, Brazil | 1 star | 2 weeks ago | (Translated by Google) The food was great, the bathroom clean, but I thought it was absurd how the girl at the cashier (who must be a manager or owner) treated the employee who was at the barbecue. She screamed, called him the plague and when he complained she challenged him asking what he was going to do. Clearly someone who was in dire need, what an unhappy woman! I hope he files a lawsuit, people like that have to feel it in their pockets! | |||
Thabata Santos | Local Guide | Level 5 | 1,363 | 38 | 31 | Cosechas Nova Iguaçu | Av. Dr. Mario Guimarães, 258 - Centro, Nova Iguaçu - RJ, 26255-230, Brazil | 1 star | 2 weeks ago | (Translated by Google) I was at the unit around noon, the employee who was at the checkout was super rude with me and my grandmother. Not for this place ever, the other units have much better service! | |||
Thabata Santos | Local Guide | Level 5 | 1,363 | 38 | 31 | KFC | Av. Pres. Vargas, 482 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20071-001, Brazil | 1 star | 4 weeks ago | (Translated by Google) The cashier was curt, almost rude when assisting us, the sandwiches were extremely dry and without crunch and when I went to ask for the store code to do the research, an employee identified herself as the hostess of the unit and told me that doing the research with her the gift would be at the time without consummation of 15 reais, we stopped the research when I realized that it was giving "highly satisfied" on all items, which was not correct. I took my cell phone to really do the research (she was doing it for mine), the employee frowned and left, then gave me the cone in such a way that when I picked it up at the counter it fell... Unfortunately the service was terrible and with so many errors, I will have to pass it on to the SAC along with the complaint about the tampering with the research. | (Translated by Google) Hi Thabat. We are very sorry for what happened. We check internally that those responsible are already handling your case. Whenever you need it, we will be available to assist you through the Contact Us link on the website kfcbrasil.com.br. | 4 weeks ago | |
Thabata Santos | Local Guide | Level 5 | 1,363 | 38 | 31 | Store Alligator | Av. Delfim Moreira, 634 - Várzea, Teresópolis - RJ, 25953-235, Brazil | 1 star | 6 months ago | (Translated by Google) Poor quality products, I bought a car mount that doesn't stay fixed at all and I paid twenty reais for a film that on the first fall cracked the entire screen of my phone and it remained intact. It sounds like a bad joke, but it's just the worst store in the area! | |||
Thabata Santos | Local Guide | Level 5 | 1,363 | 38 | 31 | Country Café Pub | R. Roberto Rosa, n500 - Tijuca, Teresópolis - RJ, 25975-530, Brazil | 5 stars | 6 months ago | (Translated by Google) I thought the lunch was wonderful, dishes well served and at a great price. First class service, I was delighted and will be back again ❤️ | |||
Thabata Santos | Local Guide | Level 5 | 1,363 | 38 | 31 | Doce Encanto | R. Monte Líbano - Várzea, Teresópolis - RJ, 25953-020, Brazil | 1 star | 11 months ago | (Translated by Google) Slow service, arrogant attendants and management's unwillingness to change. Even if the menu is attractive, there is no business that prospers with so little professional skill. For now, I still recommend delivery. | 2 |
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